Frequently Asked Questions: FAQ

Important notice

For security purposes, your IP address will be logged when making API requests starting 2024-07-15.


I am receiving a [403 - Forbidden] 'Authentication parameters missing' response

The Schiphol API platform requires all API calls to provide authentication in the form of an app_key and app_id. Check your account for your personal app_id and app_key.

CORS error when calling API in your browser

See Post on PowerBI to solve this issue in your Chrome browser.

Do the API’s return JSON or XML responses?

All APIs published by Schiphol support JSON. In addition to JSON responses some APIs will also support XML responses. To change the response type provide the desired content type in the “Accept” header. For example application/xml for a XML response. If the API does not support a desired content type a [406 - Not Acceptable] is returned. Check the API documentation if the API supports a specific response type.

Are Schiphol API calls idempotent?

Whenever a request returns the same response regardless of the amount of requests the method is regarded idempotent.

All Schiphol APIs follow the HTTP/Rest specification in regard to being idempotent. This means the following HTTP methods are regarded idempotent: GET, DELETE, OPTIONS, HEAD. This also means that the following HTTP methods are not regarded idempotent: POST, PUT, PATCH.

API versioning

Over time, we will expand APIs and introduce new URIs as new features are added. To preserve legacy usage, the URLs of existing APIs will not change. We will endeavour to keep the same accessible addresses for each service going forward.

Public Flight API

I'm receiving a [403 - Not Acceptable] response code

The header resourceversion is not provided.

I'm receiving a [404 - Not Found] - Could not retrieve flight with id '999,999,999,999,999,999'

When calling the endpoint /flights directly in a browser, it's possible that the result response flights:id value is wrongly displayed. This is a known issue in certain browser brands. The response of your call is JSON which has an ‘id’ property which is of type ‘Integer’ instead of ‘String’. The browser interpret this response and displays another value then stated is the original response.

FireFox is dislaying a wrong value whilst Chrome and Internet Explorer (Edge) are displaying the correct value! So when you use the displayed value to do another call to /flights/[displayed id], you will get a HTTP response 404 - Not Found.

You are currently using version V3 of the API which has this id notation: "id": 124629797557405058. As from upcoming version V4 this will be "id": “124629797557405058”. The datatype will be changed from Integer to String value!

Advice: use Postman to do your API tests instead of a browser! Get Postman

I only receive 20 items when requesting flights, airlines, aircrafttypes or destinations

To keep the responses down to a reasonable size the Public Flight API uses pagination. In the Link header in the response the URI for the next and last pages are returned.